REMEMBERANCE: Winter Womans Circle

Wednesdays January 17th, 24th, 31st, February 7th, 21st & 28th from 7-8:30pm

With Jessica Allen

Remembrance is a six week gathering for woman devoted to the reclamation of your sacred feminine wisdom within a supportive community. Each session will include readings, guided meditative journeys and reflection as well a space to share, express and listen to the wild wisdom of one another. Untangle internalized cultural messages and remember your divine power within a circle of sisterhood. This winter session will be deeply inspired by the intuition innate in all woman, body wisdom and sacred sovereignty - “one who is whole unto herself”.

This space is open to all woman, trans woman and non binary folks. This is not a space for male identifying people.

What would it be like if our life experience as females was that of being safe, being valued, being respected? For many of us it is difficult to imagine being part of a culture in which girls are encouraged to grow into their sovereignty, where woman’s bodies are trusted and honored; where the Sacred Feminine is valued and cultivated. While there is not such a place on Earth at this moment in time, we can connect with the energetic vibration of such a reality by creating a collective vision of what it would feel like. When we tap into the wild and wise potential of the Sacred Feminine, we come home to our deepest truth.” - Amy Wilding

Exchange: $180

WEEK 1: Remembrance

WEEK 2: Divine Intuition

WEEK 3: Sacred Boundaries

WEEK 4: Body Temple

WEEK 5: Voice of The Womb

WEEK 6: Wild Wisdom Within

 Please contact Jessica at if you have any questions.

 *Please note due to the nature of this extended workshop the course will not be prorated for any missed classed.

*No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please email us directly to discuss.