“Baby & Me” & “Toddler & Me” 6 Week Series
One can not pour out of an empty cup.
January 11th-February 15th Led by Aurore Stanek
"Toddler & Me” Thursdays 10:05am-11am
(From whenever they can escape. ‘Master crawlers’ age depends on the kid, usually 10-13 months old. The class is for parents of children up to 36 months old.)
"Baby & Me” Thursdays 11:10am-12:05pm
(From 6 weeks to ‘master crawlers’)
Exchange: $205
Postpartum lasts three years. This is the time needed to go through the developmental process of becoming a parent. As the brain itself changes the way it operates, major shifts are experienced. It is a physical, mental, emotional, and social process. Postnatal yoga and meditation are precious practices to navigate this exciting and challenging time — a way to bring more joy, awareness, and serenity to all members of the family.
"Baby & Me” and “Toddler & Me” are parent-centric spaces where children are more than welcome. Each series is based on three pillars:
- Connection to self: physically, mentally, emotionally
- Connection within the duet parent-child
- Connection to community
The primary focus of this program is a space for the parent to listen to their sensations and emotions. Breath work, baby holding counter poses (opening of the chest, stretching of the neck and shoulders), pelvic connection, core strengthening, and balance practices are all parts of both series. Bringing awareness to different aspects of the Matrescence/Patrescence, these postnatal classes are also the opportunity to reflect on the process of becoming a parent and the expectations that we might have for this transition.
During each class, we will practice techniques that you can use at home in a number of situations. Certain postures and movements, walking meditations, and breathing patterns are valuable tools to help the duet parent/baby connect and regulate their emotions. Some practices are also a lot of fun and wonderful for bonding!
We can not emphasize enough the importance of community for new parents. We designed these series to be part of a support system. "Baby & Me” and “Toddler & Me” classes are an opportunity to connect with other adults, and other children. They are a safe space, free of judgement. A place to breathe and connect.
*Please note due to the nature of this series the course will not be prorated for any missed classed.
"Baby & Me” and “Toddler & Me” are inclusive spaces where anyone is welcome regardless of ethnicity, background, disabilities, orientation, or gender. We know that in our differences lay our strength, our intelligence, and our beauty as a community. We also know that historically some people have suffered, and are still suffering from discrimination on many fronts. Scholarships are available, please reach out to the studio.
Do I need to know some yoga prior to signing up for this class?
No previous practice of yoga is required to participate in "Baby & Me” and “Toddler & Me” classes.
I am not a mother, is this class for me?
Fathers, coparents, primary care givers, and all non-birthing persons are more than welcome. These classes are meant for you as much as for birthing persons.
How long after birth can I participate to this class?
Each birth and each person is di erent. Birthing persons can check with their physician about when it is safe to resume physical activity. In any case, all practices of the class are invitations, and we encourage each student to only engage with what feels good to them, at any given moment.
Does the pricing include both the child and the adult?
Pricing is per adult and includes one child.
Is the assistant responsible for the kids during the class?
The parent/caregiver is solely responsible for their child during the class. The class assistant is here for support, safety, and global supervision. They are not responsible for the children.
What are the kids doing during the class?
During “Baby & Me” classes, the babies will most likely be held by their adult or will stay on their blanket by the mat of their adult. Feel free to bring a baby wrap or sling if you are using one. All along the class, the parent will be invited to connect with their child via different techniques (eye contact, peekaboo, baby massage ...) During “Toddler & Me” classes, we have no expectation regarding the toddlers’ activities. They are free to roam in the class, to observe, to mimic the adult’s practice (toddlers love this), to play by themselves, to play together, etc. Feel free to bring their favorite toy or book. The toddlers will be invited to participate in various exercises. Again we have no expectation regarding their response, they are free to join and free to enjoy other activities.
What is the cut between “Baby & Me” and “Toddler & Me” classes ?
“Baby & Me” class is for parents and primary caregivers in the early postnatal period, with babies aged from about 6 weeks old to “master crawlers” (when the child is able to escape rather quickly from their blanket).
“Toddler & Me” class is for parents and primary caregivers in a later postnatal period, with babies aged from “master crawlers” (often 10 to 13 months old, varies wildly depending on the child) up until 36 months old. If you are not sure what class is the best for you, feel free to contact us.
I am currently pregnant, can I join?
These classes are not prenatal yoga classes so they won’t deliver precious prenatal yoga practices that might help you during pregnancy and birth. If this is what you are looking for, we encourage you to attend a prenatal yoga class. However, if you wish to attend this class as part of your preparation for postpartum, you are more than welcome. Please check with your physician to confirm yoga is a proper activity in your case. We do encourage every future parent to learn and prepare for the postpartum period as much as they can. Knowledge is potent. These months and years contain so much that any prior learning can only make the journey lighter.
About Aurore:
“I was born and raised high up in the mountains of the French Alps. My yoga practice started fifteen years ago as I was performing and creating shows made of theater, music, and movement. On stage with musicians, dancers, actors, choreographers, and orchestras, I was exploring the connection between stories, emotions, and movement. Passionate educator, most of my creations incorporated public outreach and I taught piano and drama classes for more than a decade. Teaching is the way to learn. It is not about passing on some pre- acquired knowledge. Just like performing arts, teaching/learning is about stories, emotions, and movement. It is about sharing a passion, a dialogue that nourishes everyone. My students taught me — moved me — so much along the way. The connection between the beings on our amazing planet always amazed me. I have been studying environmental issues and solutions, and I am a proud to be part of several non-profit organizations seeking more justice and sustainability. This work has become even more important to me after welcoming another human being into our world. The process of becoming a parent impacts so much aspects of our person. The yoga teacher training has been my path into the postpartum period. And yet again, another way to fathom the connection between emotions, movement, and stories.”